Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Blue Jeans Would Go Real Well With That Ensemble

Mall Security was called to one of the Department stores to assist in covering a shoplifting incident.  Apparently, the scheme was that one individual would go into the changing room with 2 pairs of new jeans, hand off his old pair to an accomplice, put on one of the new pairs of jeans, and then attempt to leave the store with the second pair in a bag.  Department store security detained the shoplifter after he attempted to leave the store with the jeans in the bag.  After the police arrived, the manager on duty checked the dressing room, found the tags for one of the stolen pairs of jeans on the floor, and then told the officer that the person was wearing a stolen pair of jeans, besides the other pair in the bag.  The officer replied, “You want them back now?”  The manager indicated that he did, and the officer obligated the shoplifter to remove the jeans and give them back.  The officer then directed his partner to drive the squad car to the other end of the mall, and then they marched the shoplifter through the mall wearing only a shirt, underwear, cowboy boots, and handcuffs.  I guess he wanted to send a message to anyone else thinking of shoplifting that day?

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